Fighting For Faith
Despite my mental well-being, this year has been the most disconnected I have felt from God ever, and I feel lost. When my mind is constantly tormented, I cling to God with a desperation as if my life depends on it. Truthfully, even now I know that my life still depends on Him, and always will. But it’s easier for distance to creep in when I’m not in danger of falling apart every ten seconds.
Resurrection Power
God is the author and finisher of everything. Only He can fix this situation, and because I believe in His sovereign power, I can come to Him with prayers of hope instead of cries of worry. Instead of being worried for my friends in the healthcare field that don’t have adequate personal protection equipment, I can pray that they’re covered by the blood of Jesus. I remembered that I know the one who has complete power and I can be an agent of change by speaking the name of Jesus over all situations and interceding on behalf of our nation, and our world. At my church we have a saying: prayer is not a last resort, it is our first response. So if you have been struggling with your faith in this season, I urge you to remember that our God literally rose from the dead some 2000 plus years ago. There is nothing He cannot do.